Niurka Marcos sale en defensa de Nodal respecto a su relación con Ángela Aguilar.
The relationship between Christian Nodal and Ángela Aguilar is causing quite a stir, and one person who has not remained silent about this controversial love story is the Cuban Niurka Marcos, who has come to the defense of the Mexican amidst the avalanche of criticisms he has received.
Christian Nodal and Ángela Aguilar recently confirmed that they are together. This news comes just a few weeks after the Mexican singer announced the end of his relationship with the Argentine singer Cazzu, with whom he became a father for the first time in September of last year.
Faced with the criticism that the new couple has received, the Cuban vedette shared her opinion on the show Venga la Alegría.
“I do not know what is surprising them. Men, throughout history, have been with many women, and he has the same right that men have. I do not know what is scaring them if all men have had the women they want,” said the actress.
Niurka also expressed her incomprehension at the scandal generated by the artists’ romance.
“I don’t understand what the excitement is about, nor the cover, nor the article. Where is the news? It’s been the case throughout history, all men have been womanizers,” he added.
Finally, Niurka defended that Nodal is a free person and can make his own decisions.
It’s not about whether he did right or wrong; he made a decision and is free because he has the right to act according to his free will. He won’t be the first dad to leave for another romance and leave a mom with a child; hopefully, he will still be a good father, even if from a distance,” he concluded.
As expected, a debate broke out on social media and many internet users supported Niurka’s opinion.
“The most important thing here is, as she says, that he be a good father even from afar.” “I agree with her. For that reason, as a woman myself, I point more towards the woman, because, well, as Niurka said, women allow it. Period! Why is one surprised?” “This is the first time I applaud this lady… Whether we like it or not, it’s the truth.” “Finally someone says what needed to be said! Totally agree with what Niurka is saying.” “The best opinion I’ve seen so far.” “Unfortunately, she is right, countless men have done the same thing as Nodal, it’s just that since they are not famous, the world doesn’t find out. But this life is full of men and women who don’t mind leaving children to be with someone else.” or “Oh well then let’s applaud and normalize the lack of values and dishonesty of men and women.”
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