Chris Hemsworth, 41 years old, said the risk of Alzheimer’s made him take care of himself and spend more time with his family.

According to Daily Mail on April 2, “God of Thunder” Chris Hemsworth wants to publish a memoir to preserve family memories after discovering that he is at risk of dementia. The actor signed with Matt Martin – who is responsible for buying and selling manuscripts of the talent management company Creative Artist Agency (CAA). The news agency said Hemsworth will hire a writer from CAA to complete the book.

Actor Chris Hemsworth. Photo: Instagram Chris Hemworth

Actor Chris Hemsworth in Entrepreneur magazine in 2023. Photo: Entrepreneur

A friend revealed to Woman’s Day that the actor had the idea for the book since his 40th birthday last August. Chris Hemsworth does not want the work to be seen as a boring celebrity memoir, nor does it intend to expose the secrets of the entertainment world. “He just wanted to write about himself as a father and share his healthy life,” this person said.

Previously, in an interview with Vanity Fair magazine in November 2022, Chris Hemsworth attracted attention when he announced that he would stop acting . Doctors diagnosed him as having an “eight to 10 times higher” risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease than the world’s population due to carrying the APOE4 gene from both parents. The actor’s grandfather was also a patient of this disease. In fact, Hemsworth did not retire completely, but just chose suitable roles and spent more time with his family.

Chris Hemsworth tries to maintain a healthy lifestyle and keep an optimistic attitude. In an interview with Men Health in October 2023, the actor compared the diagnosis results as a reminder to protect your health at all costs so that your body can cope with the disease. “What I do for my brain is good for my body. I have turned difficulties into positive things,” the artist said.

Hemsworth tries to improve sleep quality, creating a habit of not using the phone or computer one hour before going to bed, and reading books at night. He limits confusing thoughts to relax his mind, according to Men Health .

In addition, Marvel stars have changed their training plans, focusing more on nervous system health than muscle strength. He said: “I used to exercise quite regularly, but recently realized the importance of taking time for yourself, not being influenced by outside voices or circumstances, and focusing on silence.”

Actors also practice many mindfulness exercises, regulating their breathing when taking a sauna or ice bath. Hemsworth still participates in many physical activities. According to the artist, outdoor sports allow him to feel life to the fullest, helping his mind relax. The actor said surfing is his favorite subject.

Chris Hemsworth surfs during a trip to the beach town of Yeppoon (Australia) in September 2022. Photo: Instagram Chris Hemsworth

Chris Hemsworth often travels with his family, updating many photos on social networks. He and his children participated in experiential activities such as horseback riding, surfing, skiing, and fishing. Mental Health said that Thor always arranges time to take his children to school every day, teach and play sports to nurture family bonds.

Besides health activities, he also tries to balance life and career. He told Dr. Peter Attia on the Drive podcast in December 2022: “Reducing my workload makes me think about my children, how they are growing up, and how quickly things are changing. I want to sit back and reflect.” , don’t sprint anymore, just stay in one place, appreciating the life in front of you.”

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Actor Chris Hemsworth was born in 1983 in Australia. He conquered Hollywood and made his mark as “God of Thunder” Thor in the Marvel cinematic universe . His latest movie project is Furiosa , starring Anya Taylor-Joy , which will premiere on May 24.

He and his wife Elsa Pataky met at a Hollywood training session in 2010. They got married on Christmas that same year, after three months of dating. The couple currently has three children: daughter India, 12 years old, and male twins Sasha-Tristan, 10 years old. Hemsworth decided to raise his children in his hometown of Australia, away from the hustle and bustle of Hollywood. Actors often move between two locations to film and take care of their families.