Jimmy Kimmel, a fixture in American late-night television since 2003, has been known for his quick wit, satirical humor, and the ability to navigate the fine line between comedy and controversy. However, according to ABC executives, it appears that Kimmel’s brand of humor no longer aligns with the network’s vision for its future. In a press release, the network stated, “After careful consideration, we have decided to move in a different direction. We appreciate Jimmy’s contributions to ABC and wish him the best in his future endeavors.”
When does Jimmy Kimmel's contract with ABC end? Talk show host talks about quitting Jimmy Kimmel Live!

The news has sparked a flurry of reactions from across the political and cultural spectrum. Critics of Kimmel, particularly those with conservative leanings, have long accused the comedian of harboring a liberal bias, arguing that his political commentary alienates a significant portion of the American audience. Kimmel’s monologues, often laced with criticisms of conservative politicians and policies, have made him a polarizing figure, admired by some for his outspokenness but derided by others for what they perceive as partisan sniping disguised as entertainment.

In recent years, the landscape of late-night television has undergone a profound transformation. The genre, once dominated by universally appealing comedy and light-hearted interviews, has increasingly veered into the territory of political commentary and advocacy. Kimmel himself has been at the forefront of this shift, using his platform to address serious issues such as healthcare, gun control, and immigration. While these segments have earned him praise in certain circles, they have also contributed to a growing sense of divisiveness, prompting some viewers to turn away in search of less politically charged entertainment options.