Sylvester Stallone’s sudden departure from a major film, denouncing Robert De Niro as “too woke and creepy,” has rattled Hollywood to its core. This unexpected exit sheds light on the simmering tensions between the two iconic actors, sending shockwaves throughout the industry.

Sylvester Stallone’s sudden departure from a major film, denouncing Robert De Niro as “too woke and creepy,” has rattled Hollywood to its core.
This unexpected exit sheds light on the simmering tensions between the two iconic actors, sending shockwaves throughout the industry.
Sylvester Stallone has exited a major film project, citing his discomfort with co-star Robert De Niro. “He’s too woke and creepy,” Stallone bluntly stated, shedding light on the tension between the two Hollywood heavyweights.

Stallone’s departure has created a stir in the industry, as the film was expected to be a significant success. Sources close to the production reveal that Stallone found De Niro’s behavior on set unbearable, leading to his decision to walk away.

This unexpected rift highlights the growing clashes within Hollywood over personal beliefs and working relationships. Stallone’s decision not to compromise his principles, even for a high-profile project, speaks volumes about the underlying dynamics at play.

Thank you, Sylvester, for standing up for your values in an industry often marked by compromise.