Soccer Star Megan Rapinoe Benched for Anthem Silence: A New Sports Taboo?

Megan Rapinoe, known for her outspoken political views, recently found herself sidelined by the US soccer team. The reason? She chose not to sing the national anthem. This seemingly minor act sparked a major reaction, prompting the team to bench her indefinitely.

Megan Rapinoe: Biểu tượng nữ quyền và vũ điệu cuối ở sân khấu World Cup

In response, Rapinoe took to Instagram with a post of her enjoying a beach vacation, accompanied by a playful caption suggesting retirement might not be so bad. This lighthearted response contrasted sharply with the seriousness of the situation.

Megan Rapinoe: Biểu tượng nữ quyền và vũ điệu cuối ở sân khấu World Cup

The irony is palpable. Rapinoe had previously knelt during the anthem without facing such consequences. Now, her silence is deemed unacceptable, leading to speculation and ridicule on social media.

La huella de Megan Rapinoe: el último partido del icono del fútbol femenino  - El Periódico

Rival teams seized the opportunity to poke fun at the situation, offering to teach Rapinoe their anthems. Meanwhile, fans and critics alike questioned the Federation’s priorities.

World Cup 2019: Megan Rapinoe Commands the Stage | The New Yorker

This debacle highlights broader issues around freedom of speech and what it means to represent one’s country. While the drama unfolds, one thing is clear: soccer will never be the same without Rapinoe’s outspoken presence.