Cannes, France – During a recent conversation with Brut at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival, legendary filmmaker and Star Wars creator George Lucas shared his candid thoughts on the current state of Hollywood. Lucas expressed a profound concern over what he perceives as a significant decline in original storytelling within the industry.

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Reflecting on the evolution of filmmaking, Lucas noted a stark contrast between past and present. “The stories they’re telling are just old movies,” he remarked, highlighting a pervasive trend in Hollywood to recycle and reboot existing content rather than fostering fresh, innovative ideas. “Let’s do a sequel, let’s do another version of this movie,” he added, criticizing the repetitive nature of contemporary film production.

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Lucas’s observations extend beyond the realm of cinema, as he lamented a broader cultural shift away from originality. “And it’s not just in movies, but in almost everything, there’s almost no original thinking,” he asserted. This commentary underscores his belief that the issue of unoriginality permeates various facets of creative expression today.

As a pioneer in the film industry, Lucas’s critique carries significant weight. His seminal work on the Star Wars saga revolutionized cinematic storytelling and special effects, setting a high bar for creativity and imagination. His comments at Cannes serve as a call to action for new filmmakers to break away from the comfort of familiar stories and strive to create new, groundbreaking narratives.

George Lucas – Wikipedia tiếng Việt

Lucas’s critique invites a broader discussion about the future of Hollywood and the importance of nurturing original voices in an industry often driven by commercial success over artistic innovation. As the film world continues to evolve, his insights may inspire a renewed emphasis on creativity and originality, fostering a new era of storytelling that honors the legacy of visionary filmmakers like Lucas himself.