Nike’s much-hyped partnership with soccer star Megan Rapinoe has ended in a financial fiasco, with the sportswear giant reportedly losing $100 million. The collaboration, initially celebrated for its blend of athletic prowess and social justice advocacy, quickly turned contentious. Rapinoe’s outspoken activism on LGBTQ+ rights and political issues sparked a social media storm and calls for a boycott, damaging Nike’s sales and reputation.

Nike đưa ra dự báo kinh doanh thấp hơn kỳ vọng - Nhịp sống kinh tế Việt Nam  & Thế giới

Despite efforts to mend the rift, neither Nike nor Rapinoe was willing to compromise. Rapinoe, unwavering in her commitment to social justice, declared, “I won’t be silenced or censored.” The partnership ended amid rumors of an acrimonious split, with both sides citing “creative differences.”

Megan Rapinoe: Biểu tượng nữ quyền và vũ điệu cuối ở sân khấu World Cup

This debacle highlights the challenges at the intersection of sports, activism, and corporate partnerships. It serves as a cautionary tale for both athletes and brands about the high stakes of combining advocacy with business interests.