The Duchess of Sussex today – the same day as Kate’s big campaign launch – posted pictures from a royal engagement she carried out two weeks ago
Kate and Meghan are now going their separate ways after the Sussexes quit the Royal Family (Image: GETTY)
Meghan Markle has sparked fury by Royal fans at the “unfortunate timing” of her Instagram post at the same time as Kate Middleton ’s major campaign launch.
The Duchess of Sussex sent the social media site into meltdown today after publishing a post that clashed with Kate’s big moment.
She posted pictures from a secret visit she made to an animal welfare charity during her short visit to London two weeks ago.
Her and Prince Harry’s Instagram post read: “Earlier this month, The Duchess of Sussex popped in to see the amazing people at Mayhew to hear about the incredible progress made throughout the festive period.
“The Duchess of Sussex, having been proud patron of Mayhew since January 2019 and long understanding the connection between animal and community welfare, applauds the people at Mayhew for the vital work that they do every day.
“From cats and dogs who have found new homes to animal welfare cases handled in the community, Mayhew believes in the power of togetherness and the special bond between humans and animals.”
But despite Meghan’s good deed, the post backfired and sparked fury among royal fans who hit out at Meghan for posting the pictures on the very same day as Kate Middleton was due to take the spotlight.
The Duchess of Cambridge today launched a landmark study on childhood with a whistle-stop 24-hour tour of Britain, but some royal fans felt the Instagram post was an attempt to “crash” Kate’s moment.
Angry fans accused Meghan of being “spiteful” and “jealous”, with replies including: “You are so spiteful Meghan leave the other royals to shine. You don’t want it let Kate have her moment.”
Harry and Meghan are now settling into their new life outside the Royal Family in Canada (Image: AFP via Getty Images)
“Trying to steal Kate’s thunder again.
“And of course it was dropped after Kate event, as always. Meghan, you need to calm down and leave, its ridiculous.
“Someone is so insecure that every time the Cambridge’s or Kate is out for an important engagement they’ve posted on the exact same day. Coincidence?”
Royal fans have accused Meghan and Harry of crashing Kate’s big day (Image: Ian Vogler / Daily Mirror)
“Why post this now when Kate has just launched something important? The way you crash RF events (eg announcing pregnancy at a wedding, etc) comes across as spiteful. Good to hear your dad’s side. Poor man! You cannot choose to have press when it suits you. Either all or none!”
“Posting on the same day Kate starts her child welfare campaign! Such a jealous woman markles!!!”
The Instagram post, coming two weeks after Meghan and Harry announced they are quitting the Royal Family, also clashed with Prince Charles launching his climate change initiative in Davos, Switzerland.
For a long time the Fab Four have been no more (Image: Getty)
The Daily Express’ royal correspondent Richard Palmer described the timing of the Instagram post as “unfortunate”, tweeting: “Wow, what unfortunate timing that once again, just as a senior member of the Royal Family was heralding an important initiative, the Sussex Royal Instagram account kicked into life with some PR pictures at the very same moment.”
Meghan and Harry are now settling into their new life in Canada with their baby son Archie after sensationally stepping down from royal duties.
They will give up their HRH titles and public funding in Spring following a transition period, although Charles is reportedly set to financially support them for a year out of his own pocket.
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