Elizabeth Gutiérrez Refutes Allegations About Demands on William Levy: "We Will Always Be a Family"Elizabeth Gutiérrez, William Levy – Imagen © Instagram / Elizabeth Gutiérrez, William Levy
La separación de Elizabeth Gutiérrez y William Levy sigue siendo un tema candente en los medios de comunicación. Sin embargo, no todo lo que se informa sobre la expareja en varias plataformas es preciso. La actriz mexicoamericana no dudó en desmentir públicamente los últimos rumores que circulan sobre su familia.

Después de encontrarse con un informe que afirmaba que había hecho demandas específicas al  galán cubano después de su separación (incluida una mansión de $ 500,000 y $ 3,000 para la manutención de su hija), Elizabeth recurrió a Instagram para dejar las cosas claras. “¡Qué mentira! Es una lástima que la gente siga inventando historias. Siempre seremos una familia y velaremos por el bienestar de nuestra familia“, afirmó Elizabeth, enfatizando que su prioridad sigue siendo tener hijos en común.

Despite their separation, the ex-couple has been spotted at their son’s baseball games, albeit keeping their distance from each other. In her Instagram post debunking the false claims, it was also mentioned that the star of ‘Café con aroma de mujer‘ had allegedly refused to meet her supposed demands.

Following their breakup, both William Levy and Elizabeth Gutiérrez are focusing on their respective careers and their children.

Clarifying Rumors About Elizabeth Gutiérrez and William Levy

In light of the recent false information circulating about Elizabeth Gutiérrez and William Levy, here are some clarifications to address common questions and concerns.

What were the alleged demands Elizabeth Gutiérrez made on William Levy?

It was rumored that Elizabeth Gutiérrez demanded a $500,000 mansion and $3,000 monthly for their daughter’s support, which she has publicly denied.

How did Elizabeth Gutiérrez respond to these rumors?

Elizabeth Gutiérrez took to Instagram to refute the claims, stating that they are false and emphasizing that their priority is their children.

Are Elizabeth Gutiérrez and William Levy still in contact?

While they have been seen at their son’s baseball games, they generally keep their distance from each other.