Clark’s game at Fever practice is already impressing her new coaches and teammates.
Caitlin Clark’s welcome to the WNBA continued Sunday, with the Indiana Fever opening training camp.
And the NCAA’s all-time leading scorer is already noticing how much different the pros are compared to college.
“It’s definitely different, but that’s what you expect when you start a new chapter in your life,” Clark said. “It’s fast, fast shot clock, but I think all of you know that’s how I like to play. So, I think it suits my game pretty well. It’s a fast pace, a lot faster than college, and you’ve to learn quicker because you’ve got to get your mind on Friday.”

Clark’s speed, which was seen in abundance during her time playing for the Iowa Hawkeyes, and her other outstanding attributes on the court are something her teammates are already thinking about playing with.
“I think Caitlin has a different eye for the game,” Aliyah Boston, the No. 1 overall pick of the 2023 WNBA Draft, said. “You’re able to see how well she passes the ball and how well she shoots it. You see her communicating, you see the way she can find you, I mean her passes are tremendous. I’m like ‘OK, I’ll get a touch, just let me get down there’ just because of how well she passes it.”
Getting acclimated to any league takes time for rookies, even those that are good, as Clark was, at the collegiate level. She fully expects to need to work through some things before feeling comfortable with her new team.
But now that the fanfare of the Fever picking her is over and basketball is starting, she’s ready to make that learning curve as short as possible.

All focus when Clark takes the court will be on her ability to shoot the ball from virtually anywhere, but head coach Christie Sides loves another part of her game that strikes fear into opponents.
“Her ability to space the floor for us is just incredible,” Sides explained after running practice, where Clark was running with the starters. “We’re going to have five players on the court that can shoot it, but her passing ability – you saw some of the passes she made. I’m more mad at the how many missed layups we had. I think we’re just not used to having those, someone who can make those passes.”
It’s just one practice, but Clark is turning heads as expected. She’s among some of the best women in the world with a basketball in their hands, yet she’s surprising her teammates and coaches with how she’s playing.

That’s what she plays the game for anyway.
“I think no matter what happens, there’s going to be expectations and pressure on my shoulders and pressure on this team to be really good. That’s how you want it,” Clark said.
“We wouldn’t want anything else. We want people showing up to our games, people expecting us to win a lot of basketball games this year, and I’m expecting myself to play really well. I don’t think it’s anything that’s ever been different for me.”
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