A new study by Burns Pet Nutrition has revealed that the Scottish Fold has been named as the ‘top cat’ by Britons.
The Scottish Fold has risen in popularity in recent years, with popstar Taylor Swift owning a pair called Meredith Grey and Olivia Benson and Ed Sheeran owning one called Calippo.
The little-eared scamps have charmed pet owners nationwide, with 75 per cent of survey respondents considering them the most intelligent and 67 per cent deeming them the most affectionate.
The study also found that a whopping 92 per cent of cat owners found them the easiest to train compared to other breeds
The popularity of Scottish Folds has skyrocketed, with 110,000 sold in the UK in 2021 alone, with the surge partly due to the breed’s association with social media-savvy celebrities.
Meanwhile, Ragdoll cats, known for their love of being held and cuddled, were a close second in the poll.
Over half (56 per cent) of Brits rated Ragdolls as the most affectionate, ahead of Maine Coons at 46 per cent.
In terms of personality, more than half (56 per cent) of Brits said Ragdolls had the biggest personalities, with 46 per cent choosing Maine Coons and 41 per cent preferring Bengals.
The survey, which included responses from 2,041 pet owners, also provided insights into how cat breed colours affect training and affection.
Calico cats were found to be the easiest to train, with eight in 10 owners reporting that their three-coloured pets responded best to instructions, and half of these owners also noting their cats were incredibly affectionate.
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