
Marvel and DC’s superhero movies have been criticized by several high-profile actors and filmmakers over the years.
Many more stars have stood up to defend Marvel and DC’s superhero movies, including Chris Hemsworth, most recently.
Stars including Karen Gillan, Samuel L. Jackson, Natalie Portman, Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr. have defended superhero movies.

Chris Hemsworth has joined several other high-profile actors and filmmakers who have defended superhero movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and DC Universe. Adapted from comic books that have been a staple of pop culture since the 1940s, live-action superhero movies have brought fantastical, otherworldly and relatable heroes and villains to mass audiences for decades. Many classic comic book movie adaptations failed to garner international attention, however, but this has changed dramatically in recent years with the rise of massive live-action superhero franchises, including 20th Century Fox’s X-Men franchise, the MCU, Sony’s Spider-Man Universe and DC Studios’ various franchise attempts.

The action-packed, often-ridiculous storylines of the superhero genre have garnered a huge amount of criticism from more sophisticated actors and filmmakers, many of whom consider superhero movies to be less than. Most notably, stars such as Jennifer Aniston, Martin Scorsese, Francis Ford Coppola, Quentin Tarantino and Jodie Foster, among others, have criticized Marvel and DC’s live-action movies, but these criticisms have often been unfounded. While many stars have criticized superhero movies, many more have stood up to defend the popular genre, which has become one of the most successful in history, including several high-profile stars involved with the franchises themselves.

10 Chris Hemsworth

“Those Guys Had Films That Didn’t Work Too.”

Thor with Surtur's crown in Thor Ragnarok

The most recent star to speak out in defense of the superhero genre is Chris Hemsworth, who has portrayed the MCU’s God of Thunder, Thor, since 2011’s Thor. Speaking to The Times in May 2024, Hemsworth noted that criticisms of superhero movies feels “harsh,” and rightly stressed that “those guys had films that didn’t work too.” Hemsworth went on to note that, given the massive success of the genre, these films “deserve a little more appreciation.”

It felt harsh, and it bothers me, especially from [my] heroes. It was an eye-roll for me, people bashing the superhero space. Those guys had films that didn’t work too, we all have. When they talked about what was wrong with superheroes, I thought, cool. Tell that to the billions who watch them. Were they all wrong? And cinema-going did not change because of superheroes, but because of smartphones and social media. Superhero films actually kept people in the cinemas during that transition, and now people are coming back. So they deserve a little more appreciation.

Chris Hemsworth Has Had A Huge Impact On Superhero Movies

Since debuting as Thor in the MCU’s Phase 1, Chris Hemsworth has become a staple of the franchise. Thor is the only Marvel hero to receive four solo feature films, and there is speculation that Thor 5 is being developed for the MCU, transforming the hero after his Phase 4 adventure came under scrutiny. Hemsworth has become one of Hollywood’s biggest stars thanks to the MCU, so his defense of the genre makes sense.

9 James Gunn

“Superheroes Are Simply Today’s Gangsters/Cowboys/Outer Space Adventurers.”

James Gunn at The Suicide Squad premiere

In a social media post shared in October 2019, James Gunn expressed his thoughts on criticisms aimed at superhero movies. Gunn related the superhero genre to the gangster flicks and westerns from cinema history, noting that many viewers labeled those classic movies as “despicable.”Gunn stated that “some superhero films are awful, some are beautiful,” and while “not everyone will be able to appreciate them… that’s okay.” Gunn creates the space for all manner of opinions, a philosophy others perhaps should follow.

James Gunn Has Had A Huge Impact On Superhero Movies

James Gunn became a household name after directing 2014’s Guardians of the Galaxy, and its sequels, for the MCU. This brought one of Marvel Comics’ most obscure teams into mainstream media, and Gunn is set to continue this in the rebooted DC Universe. Gunn, along with Peter Safran, was hired as co-CEO of DC Studios in 2022, so will be pivotal to superhero movies for years to come.

8 Elizabeth Olsen

“Throwing Marvel Under The Bus Takes Away From The Hundreds Of Very Talented Crew People.”

The Scarlet Witch in the skies above Kamar-Taj in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Speaking to Independent in May 2022, Marvel Studios actor Elizabeth Olsen revealed that she gets frustrated when directors such as Martin Scorcese and Francis Ford Coppola “make [superhero films] seem like a lesser type of art.” Olsen is under no impression that these movies are “indie art films,” but notes that “some of the most amazing set designers, costume designers, [and] camera operators” work in the superhero genre, and “throwing Marvel under the bus” takes away from their immense talent.

I’m not saying we’re making indie art films, but I just think it takes away from our crew, which bugs me. These are some of the most amazing set designers, costume designers, camera operators – I feel diminishing them with that kind of criticism takes away from all the people who do award-winning films, that also work on these projects.​​​​​​​ From an actor’s point of view, whatever, I get it; I totally understand that there’s a different kind of performance that’s happening. But I do think throwing Marvel under the bus takes away from the hundreds of very talented crew people. That’s where I get a little feisty about that.

Elizabeth Olsen Has Had A Huge Impact On Superhero Movies

Elizabeth Olsen has portrayed Wanda Maximoff’s Scarlet Witch since 2014’s Captain America: The Winter Soldier’s post-credits scene, and has seen one of the most transformative journeys in the MCU. This has seen her become one of the franchise’s most popular characters, with many calling for her return despite her death in 2022’s Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of MadnessOlsen has time and again expressed her admiration for the MCU.

7 Nicolas Cage

“I Don’t Understand The Conflict. I Don’t Agree With Them On That Perception Or Opinion.”

Johnny Blaze on a motorcycle in Ghost Rider 2007

Acclaimed actor Nicolas Cage has also spoken out in defense of the superhero genre, after almost two decades of portraying characters in a wide variety of superhero franchises. In a March 2022 article by GQ, Cage was asked about his thoughts on Scorsese’s comments that Marvel and DC films aren’t cinema. Cage noted that he doesn’t “understand the conflict,” noting that Marvel movies have never got in the way of his producing other kinds of movies, such as Pig or Joe.

Yeah, why do they do that?​​​​​​​ I don’t understand the conflict. I don’t agree with them on that perception or opinion.​​​​​​​ I think that the movies that I make, like Pig or Joe, are not in any kind of conflict with Marvel movies​​​​​​​. I mean, I don’t think the Marvel movie had anything to do with the end of the tweener. By tweener, I mean the $30 to $50 million budget movie. I think movies are in good shape. If you look at Power of the Dog, or if you look at Spencer, or any of Megan Ellison’s movies. I think that there’s still Paul Thomas Anderson.​​​​​​​ Marvel has done a really excellent job of entertaining the whole family. They put a lot of thought into it. I mean, it’s definitely had a big progression from when I was doing the first two Ghost Rider movies. Kevin Feige, or whoever is behind that machine, has found a masterful way of weaving the stories together and interconnecting all the characters. What could be wrong with wholesome entertainment that is appealing to the parents and the children, and gives people something to look forward to? I just, I don’t see what the issue is.

Nicolas Cage Has Had A Huge Impact On Superhero Movies

Since appearing as Johnny Blaze’s Ghost Rider in 2007’s Ghost Rider and 2011’s Spirit of Vengeance, Nicolas Cage has had a huge superhero career. He starred as Big Daddy in Kick-Ass, voiced Spider-Man Noir in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, and made an appearance as Superman in The Flash​​​​​​​. Cage is one of the most notable actors of his generation, so his defense of the superhero genre means a lot.

6 Kevin Smith

“For Every Filmmaker Who’s Like ‘I Don’t Get It,’ There’s A Bunch Of Young Filmmakers You Are Like, ‘I Get It And I Want To Do It.”

Director Kevin Smith with a microphone

After rising to prominence with the low-budget comedy Clerks in 1994, director, producer, writer and actor Kevin Smith has been outspoken in his defense of the superhero genre. Speaking to Forbes in July 2022, Smith noted that, while filmmakers like Scorcese, Coppola and Tarantino are often thrown questions about superhero films just to get “their dander up,”superhero movies are “movies just like any other movies, for heaven’s sake.” Smith also suggested that there are always young filmmakers wanting to join these franchises.

It kind of gets their dander up. You’re asking a guy who made Goodfellas what he thinks about Spider-Man, what do you think you’re going to get? He’s a very serious filmmaker, and he’s a man who’s of a certain age and stuck in his ways. You should not be surprised that’s his response.​​​​​​​ But it doesn’t take away from your enjoyment of the thing. Guess what? For every old filmmaker who’s like, ‘I don’t get it,’ there’s a bunch of young filmmakers who are like, ‘I get it and I want to do it.’ We don’t have to ostracize the people that maybe don’t get or aren’t into the same movies we are.​​​​​​​.. They have people on the internet tearing down Martin Scorsese’s body of work because of what he said about comic books. You want to avoid that sort of thing? Just give them a salute and move on. They’re movies just like any other movies, for heaven’s sake.

Kevin Smith Has Had A Huge Impact On Superhero Movies & Comics

While Kevin Smith has never directed a superhero movie, he did have a cameo appearance as Jack Kirby in 2003’s Daredevil, which starred Ben Affleck as the Man Without Fear. Outside of film, Smith has written many issues of both Marvel and DC Comics. This includes stories featuring Daredevil, Green Arrow, Spider-Man and Black Cat, Batman, and the Joker, so his passion for superhero media is impressive.

5 Natalie Portman

“There’s Not One Way To Make Art.”

Jane Foster speaking to Thor in Thor The Dark World

Natalie Portman has portrayed Jane Foster in the MCU since almost the very beginning, and though she has had previous issues with the franchise, she has still voiced her defense of the superhero genre. Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter in October 2019, Portman stated that “there’s room for all types of cinema,” stressing that “there’s not one way to make art.”Portman noted that superhero movies enable escapism and entertainment for viewers, suggesting this is why they have become so popular.

I think there’s room for all types of cinema​​​​​​​. There’s not one way to make art. I think that Marvel films are so popular because they’re really entertaining and people desire entertainment when they have their special time after work, after dealing with their hardships in real life.

Natalie Portman Has Had A Huge Impact On Superhero Movies

Academy Award-winner Natalie Portman debuted as the MCU’s Jane Foster in 2011’s Thor, reprised the role in 2013’s Thor: The Dark World, and returned in 2022’s Thor: Love and Thunder after a brief hiatus. In the MCU’s Phase 4, Jane Foster became a superhero herself, wielding Mjolnir as the Mighty Thor. Foster also introduced viewers to Valhalla in Love and Thunder, setting up major stories for the MCU’s future.

4 Karen Gillan

“Art Is Subjective, And So It Is Artistic To Make A Big Project Superhero Film For Sure.”

Nebula smirking in Guardians of the Galaxy

Speaking to Sky News on the E! red carpet at 2019’s People’s Choice Awards, Doctor Who and MCU star Karen Gillan voiced her own defense of the superhero genre. Noting that “art is subjective,” Gillan, similarly to Elizabeth Olsen, voiced support for the “real artists” who work on Marvel and DC films. In response to Scorsese’s criticism, Gillan stated that it seems “a little unfair” to note that they’re not creating art, even if it’s just “a different type of art.”​​​​​​​

People have always had these big blockbuster movies, and then also more prestigious films.​​​​​​​ But I would say art is subjective, and so it is artistic to make a big project superhero film for sure – it’s just a different type of art.​​​​​​​ The filmmakers I’ve worked with on these films are real artists and they express themselves through the movies. It would seem a little unfair to strip them of the title of artist, because they are.

Karen Gillan Has Had A Huge Impact On Superhero Movies

Since debuting as Nebula in 2014’s Guardians of the Galaxy, Karen Gillan’s MCU character has seen one of the biggest transformations in the franchise. Nebula has gone from staunch villain to bona fide hero, particularly after renouncing the Mad Titan Thanos, in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and Avengers: Infinity War. Nebula is now leading a new community in Knowhere, and has become a fan-favorite in the MCU.

3 Samuel L. Jackson

“All Movies Are Valid.”

Nick Fury on the phone in the shadows in Secret Invasion

Samuel L. Jackson spoke to The Times in March 2022, responding to some of the superhero genre’s negative criticism by simply noting that “all movies are valid.” As one of the most recognized and acclaimed actors of all time, Samuel L. Jackson’s defense of the superhero genre carries a great deal of weight. While noting that the superhero audience is broader than more arthouse-style films, Jackson states that all preferences are valid, and shouldn’t be diminished.

All movies are valid. Some go to the cinema to be moved dearly. Some like superheroes. If somebody has more butts on seats it just means your audience is not as broad. There are people who have had successful careers but nobody can recite one line of their parts. I’m the guy who says s*** that’s on a T-shirt.

Samuel L. Jackson Has Had A Huge Impact On Superhero Movies

Samuel L. Jackson is uniquely qualified to voice his thoughts, as he has spent five decades appearing in big blockbusters like the superhero movies of the MCU and indie art films. Jackson has appeared as Nick Fury since the very beginning of the MCU, and continues to be a regular fixture in the franchise. As one of the most highly-acclaimed and highest-grossing stars ever, Jackson’s defense of superhero movies is worth taking note of.

2 Chris Evans

“I Really Do Think They Stand Apart. And The Caliber Of Talent They Attract Is A Testament To That.”

Steve Rogers' Captain America looking tired in Avengers Endgame

Chris Evans’s Steve Rogers, a.k.a. Captain America, was featured as one of the cornerstones of the MCU between 2011’s Captain America: The First Avenger and 2019’s Avengers: Endgame. In May 2020, Evans spoke to The Hollywood Reporter regarding the criticisms of the MCU, noting that, while the structure of superhero movies may have become predictable, he thinks they really do “stand apart.”Evans suggests that the “caliber of talent” these franchises attract supports this fact.

We may be a little bit too accustomed to the structure now​​​​​​​, so I think it’s easy to sweep it into the same category as films of that nature. But I really do think they stand apart. And the caliber of talent they attract is a testament to that.

Chris Evans Has Had A Huge Impact On Superhero Movies

Although little-known before assuming a role in the MCU, Chris Evans has become one of Hollywood’s biggest stars through his portrayal of Rogers’ Captain America. Despite departing the MCU in 2019’s Avengers: Endgame, many hope Chris Evans will return in the MCU’s future, and speculation suggests he may have already signed on. Chris Evans helped to form the MCU in its early days, and continues to note his passion for the genre to this day.

1 Robert Downey Jr.

“There’s A Lot To Be Said About How These Genre Movies… Denigrated The Form Of Cinema.”

Tony Stark aiming his Iron Man hand in Iron Man

Speaking on The Howard Stern Show in October 2019, shortly after his departure from the MCU in Avengers: Endgame, legendary actor Robert Downey Jr. talked about the negative criticism of the superhero genre. Noting that “we need all of the perspectives,” accepting the opinions of those criticizing the genre, Downey Jr. stated that he was “happy to be part of the ‘problem.'”​​​​​​​ He also noted that superhero movies’ takeover of cinema has been “phenomenal.”

According to Scorsese, it’s not cinema, I gotta take a look at that, you know. It’s his opinion, it plays in theaters. I appreciate his opinion, because I think it’s like anything, we need all of the different perspectives so we can come to center and move on. It would be like saying Howard Stern isn’t radio, it is, it makes no sense to say it. I think in his view, and by the way there’s a lot to be said for how these genre movies, and I was happy to be part of the ‘problem’ if there is one, you know, denigrated the art form of cinema. And by the way, when you come in like a stomping beast and you eliminate the competition in such a demonstrative way, it’s phenomenal.

Robert Downey Jr. Has Had A Huge Impact On Superhero Movies

Robert Downey Jr. helped to birth the MCU with 2008’s Iron Man, and became the face of the franchise for the next decade. Tony Stark’s Iron Man shared experiences with Downey Jr., embarking on a story of growth and positive development after a period of turmoil. Coming off an Academy Award win for Oppenheimer, Downey Jr. continues to praise the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the DC Universe, suggesting he’d be happy to reprise his superhero role.

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