BJ Thompson cardiac arrest: Chiefs practiced their emergency response plan on MONDAY – three days before the player fell ill at a team meeting

On the final day of OTAs, the Kansas City Chiefs had positive news to share about BJ Thompson after his medical emergency on Thursday.

But if there was any time for such a horrific event to happen, it came at a point where the Chiefs had recently drilled into their staff the proper emergency procedure in case of such an incident.

Following an NFL mandate, the Chiefs practiced their emergency action plan for medical personnel on Monday. It was done so with a company called Sports Medicine Emergency Management, who helped the teams trainers practice scenarios such as Thompson’s seizure.

According to the team, every medical trainer and the teams physician helped with trying to keep Thompson alive.

‘We tried to stabilize BJ and then put him on the floor while he was still seizing and then he went into cardiac arrest,’ Burkholder said. ‘Our team of that group of people provided CPR for him. He had one AED shock and came back so he was only in cardiac arrest for probably less than a minute, minute-and-a-half.

Chiefs trainers ran an emergency action plan drill days before BJ Thompson's cardiac arrest

Kansas City Chiefs coach Andy Reid: 'If it had to happen, no better place than right here'

Our players, our security staff, everybody involved coaches staff, they were phenomenal in handling the crisis. We then turn him over to the fire department and the paramedics. Those paramedics do those practice sessions with us so there was some familiarity there with those guys.’

Head coach Andy Reid says he was there through the entire process and let the professionals do their jobs.

‘That’s a tough situation. We’ve been through a couple of those before in my time and it’s never, ever fun,’ Reid said. ‘Thank goodness. I mean, if it had to happen, no better place than right here where you have a support unit that knows what to do.’

The Chiefs were informed about Thompson’s state throughout the process